4 ways to increase your rank on Google

Rank on Google

Many Houston seo agencies know how important it is to use SEO if you are running a small business. A majority of business today is done through the internet, and it is crucial that potential customers see your business before they see someone else’s. SEO can be used to improve the amount of customers a small business can get if they learn how to Rank on Google, use the right keywords, make their site mobile-friendly, and keep their content as engaging as possible. The top Houston seo agencies have learned this to increase traffic to websites, and increase brand awareness.

1. Learn how the Algorithm for ranking on Google works

To make sure that you position yourself for long-term success, it is important to understand how the algorithm for Google works. It needs to be understood that the algorithm is changed between 500 and 600 times every year. When there is a major update like the mobile friendly update, which looks for websites that are mobile friendly, figure out how this update can be used to your advantage.

There are great resources to help you keep track of all these updates, and changes going on to the ranking algorithm for Google. For example, the database Moz’s Google Algorithm Change History lists every update in chronological order.

2. Optimizing content using keywords or phrases

Voice search is becoming very popular for online adults. Globalwebindex has stated that 20% adults have used an online voice search at least once in the last month. Make sure that you are using words that are most often used invoice searches so that traffic will be increased toward your side, and your Rank on Google will improve.

People do not use voice search the same way that they use regular searches, and 41% research the same as having a conversation with another human being. Because of this, when deciding on keywords keep in mind that people will not be voice searching phrases such as “popular clubs in New York”, they will ask “ what are some of the more popular clubs in New York”. Being able to figure out phrases people will be voice searching will help move your site to the top of the Rank on Google search list.

3. Make sure that your website is Mobile-Friendly

Making sure that your website is mobile-friendly is important with almost 60% of searches being done via mobile devices today, and this number continues to grow. Some ways that you can make your site is mobile friendly is to use Duda Mobile, Mobify, and Bmobilized. If using a CMS platform, you can use a mobile plug in such as Themekey for Drupal, or WPTouch for WordPress.

Google has been favoring hyper local search as a way to connect people to brands, and their community. Because of this, it is recommended that you have a Google my business profile, and that it is kept up-to-date. Using business profiles can significantly help or hurt a business depending on how they are used.

4. Keep content readable

It is important to keep people engaged in your content because Google likes to keep track of how long people stay on your pages, and it will use this to decide your ranking. If people leave your site almost immediately after landing on your page, your ranking will go down, but if you make your content easier to read, people will be more engaged with what is on the page, and stay longer.

Testing the readability score of your content is an easy way to make sure that people will stay on your pages. This can be easy to do by using WebFX and entering the URL of the Website.

Also Read: 7 Ways to Grow your SEO Traffic
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