How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy

Understanding social media in an ever-changing market can sometimes be tricky, especially if you are just starting your journey as a brand marketer or content creator. What you need is a targeted strategy that will help you generate better quality leads and therefore reach all those interested in your brand. Stick around, because the following tips will help you learn the basics of social media marketing that can increase your sales in both the short and long term.

1. Understand your goals

When it comes to social media marketing, the first thing you want to identify is the goal you hope to achieve. Social media can increase awareness of your product, drive leads to your website, and make sales, or it can simply help build your brand in the minds of customers. However, unless you have a whole team of marketers working on your social media, you will want to start with simply one or two main goals.

A good way to consider which goals to go for is to think about short and long-term results. If your business needs a quick injection of revenue or you have a special promotion going on, revenue-direct social media campaigns can be highly effective. However, there is always a limit to how much revenue you can acquire with a small audience. This is why, in order to remain visible in the long run, you should focus your social media resources on building brand efforts.

2. Choose your platform

Once you have determined the goals you want to achieve on social media, the next step is to decide which platform to use. The best way to do that is by considering where your audience is most primed to receive your message. The average individual has more than 8 social media accounts that they use for different purposes.

Instead of targeting a person, you have to think about their user persona, which is a combination of demographics such as age, gender, and location, as well as profession and activities. Even though users’ demographic stays the same across different platforms, their interests can change depending on which one they are using.

3. Plan your content

Content planning is one of the most important aspects of social media marketing. Once users have become interested in your brand and clicked that “follow” button, they expect you to keep them engaged with what they came for. In order to do that, make sure you post regularly, collaborate with other brands and content creators, as well as include limited promotions and giveaways. Lastly, do not forget to set up scheduled posting in order to keep your online presence up and running even while you are unavailable.

4. Bonus tips: captions, keywords & engagement

Let us end with some universal tips which are proven to be useful when it comes to maintaining a social-media presence:

  • keep your captions short and sweet and use keywords to help users find your content
  • engage with your users by asking questions, creating polls, or making statements
  • use emojis in your captions, but do not overdo them
  • make sure all the images you use are sized correctly for the platform
  • make sure to keep track of how your social media is performing


With the constant changes in the social media landscape, consistency and engagement are something that every user expects from the brand they decide to follow. At the end of the day, we are sure that the previously mentioned tips will help you increase awareness about your product, generating quality leads and therefore skyrocketing your brand to success.

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