Category: Digital Marketing

Digital Magazines: Why are they so popular?

Digital magazines: The transitional advancement from traditional to the modern digitalized epoch has proved that the change is the only constant. In the fast pace of the 21st century, technology and humans have emerged as the digital companions in every facet of human life. Digitalization has left its indelible imprints worldwide ranging from the advancement […]

3 Best Google Shopping Ads Tips for an eCommerce Business

Online stores have a lot of potential and a market that is open to new startups. But with growth opportunities that let anyone start a business within a day, the competition is also growing rapidly. Therefore, without a proper eCommerce strategy, it is very difficult to survive in the market of online business. And as […]

The Email Marketing Checklist: 5 Steps for a Successful Email Campaign

Email marketing checklist: Despite the unprecedented growth of social media, email remains to be the core component of marketing campaigns. It is personal, transactional, and barely intrusive. Adweek reports that email marketing is six times more effective than social media.  Generally, when we speak about marketing trends, the way things go obsolete in this landscape […]

How to Generate Epic Engagement on Social Media Channels

Are you trying to improve how your audience interacts with your social media content? Discover a few effective tactics you can use to boost user social media engagement. Looking for ways to keep the conversation going with your customers on social media? By now, most brands understand the importance of building a social media presence. […]

How can you reduce cost per lead on social media through smart marketing?

smart marketing: Social media has opened many doors for marketers. While previously, marketers solely had conventional platforms like TV, print, and billboards to reach their target audience, social media has allowed many organizations to reach a significant portion of their target audience. After all, according to Statista, there are over 3.81 billion people active on […]

Time has changed, so should be your social media marketing strategies.

Social media marketing strategies: Have you ever been on an expressway, about to hit your destination, only to realize that the map was guiding you wrong? You can’t contain your fury at that desperate moment and kick the bonnet hard! Now imagine such misery during your marketing campaign. When you think your campaign will bear […]

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