Best SEO optimization tools in 2022


We all know SEO is important for every website in the 21st century.

But what SEO tools to use to make the job easier for the marketing team while scoring the best results in Google searches?

This article will present you with the best SEO tools you should try in 2022.

Seodity is the best SEO tool this year

Seodity is the SEO optimization tool created to handle all things SEO starting from competitor analysis to on-site optimization.

If you are tired of Ahrefs, Semrush, or Mangools, Seodity is the perfect choice because it offers access to real-time keyword research and competitor and backlinks analysis. Also, the platform can identify SEO problems on your site that can impact performance and continuously monitors your site performance in Google SERPs.

With this tool, you can search paid and organic keywords of high volume across the website or on one page. Also, Seodity offers the chance to find pages with high traffic volume to discover what type of content is performing well.

Also, users can find out what anchor links are bringing the most traffic to the website and what is the source domain of site visitors. Additionally, users can sort the backlinks by date, type, or status to find the best links for their backlinking strategy.

Its ability to identify potential issues on your website includes content and linking errors, missing HTML pages, and slow loading time. Additionally, Seodity offers you solutions to fix the problems.

Seodity’s other features include:

  • Ability to compare your keyword ranking with the ranking of your competitors
  • Ability to find the SERP of your site anywhere in the world
  • Tracking how your website’s SERP changed over time.

Best for: Marketing agencies, small businesses, and marketing professionals.

Google Search Console is one of the most used SEO optimization tools

SEO Stats

This platform is offered for free to anyone with the website, but that doesn’t mean the performance lacks results. In fact, Google Search Console is a powerful tool that lets you monitor and report the results of your SEO efforts.

With Google Search Console, you can index site maps or specific URLs, check the index coverage, and control how your website appears on the account and what gets indexed. Also, Google Search Console monitors your performance and informs you when an issue occurs.

Best for: New websites since it allows website owners to submit web pages for search indexing.

Ubersuggest is a terrific keyword search tool


Developed by Neil Patel, one of the most famous SEO experts, Ubersuggest gives recommendations of the best keywords – longtail and shorttail – that you can use in your content.

This powerful keyword research tool shows the results of SERPs and includes crucial metrics like keyword volume, competition, CPC, and seasonal trends to help you decide what keywords to use on your website.

The platform is good if you want to search the keywords for your next organic campaign or PPC campaign.

Best for: Marketing professionals, marketing agencies, and enterprises handling their marketing internally.

Answer The Public is a terrific free SEO tool

Answer The Public

This is one of the best free SEO tools, and you should definitely test it out, in case you didn’t already. Answer the Public gives you a list of all things web users are searching for around a specific keyword or in a particular niche.

For example, if you are in the yoga niche, you can easily find everything web users are asking about that topic simply by typing the word yoga in the search bar. You will get all data organized by question type, and you can download all information if needed.

Then, you can use this information to create topics for your next blog posts.

Best for: Everyone

Serpstat is an all-in-one SEO tool


If you are in the SEO world, you probably heard about Serpstat – an SEO tool that is becoming more popular, replacing other SEO tools.

The main reason for that is Serpstat’s price. This all-in-one tool for SEO, PPC, and content marketing, in general, is a more affordable option with terrific features like Missing Keywords feature that can identify keywords your competitors rank for, and you aren’t.

Also, Serpstat collected keywords and competitor analysis data for all Google regions around the world.

Best for: Everyone.

Wrapping up

Semrush, Jaaxy, Google Trends, Google Keywords – there are many other SEO tools on the market that we didn’t mention.

If you want to choose the best one, we suggest you try Seodity – a powerful SEO tool that can manage both your on-page and off-page SEO strategy.

Seodity will replace all SEO tools you usually use and make handling the SEO strategy easier.



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