Instagram Influencer Marketing Guide in 2022

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Whether you are the business-minded, entrepreneur type, the casual explorer, an eCommerce owner, or among the 83 percent who look for the products and services on Instagram, you have certainly been abundantly exposed to the charms, gimmicks, and adventures of Instagram influencers.

A quick glance at their follower numbers, their interaction in the comment section, and how much money they make, reveals how wide their sphere of influence is in what people pay money for, and by extension, what brands and businesses make it big and fast enough. So, one of your safest marketing bets is not only influencer marketing in general, but to promote your brand through Instagram influencer marketing. So if you’re an eCommerce owner, instead of relying on a single eCommerce tool to give your marketing efforts a boost, you can collaborate with influencers.

Should I Put Time and Effort into Figuring out THE RIGHT Instagram Influencer FOR ME?

The Right Influencers

Some Instagram influencers sound so glamorously prosperous that their success rate sounds like a guarantee of our success in having them introduce us, but not necessarily. Three major factors determine whether an influencer can boost our business or not:

Target Audience

Say you are trying to get the word around about how quality your sportswear is, you can’t necessarily expect a beauty blogger or a food influencer on Instagram to win you a big enough client base, as their regular fans are likely the indoorsy, foodie type that prefers eating, and looking glamorous, not the sporty, outdoorsy type. So, you need to do some screening in the sea of influencers and narrow them down to the ones with the more adventurous, physical-activity-seeking type of audience.

Influencers’ Persona

Say you are an ambitious and savvy mechanic, looking to start an auto shop franchise that delivers super competent mechanic services. No matter how smart and well-informed your car influencer on Instagram is, he can’t be the suit-wearing, slow-talking, dorky type. You need the upbeat, slightly foul-mouthed, excitable persona, as simply your audience will identify with, and respond to him a lot more readily.



You need to do your homework on what type of content will get your brand going, before looking for influencers, for example, whether you need your seasoning products put into the pot of a cooking blogger, your educational packages’ Q&A section modeled on a contest by a psychological advice blogger, or your realty consulted on a humorous vine of a comedy blogger.

As a cook can’t necessarily be expected to do live contests well, a comedian can’t be expected to do a good job introducing your ultra-serious self- study packages for the SATs, and a therapist can’t incorporate spices into their tips on how to live a healthy emotional life without sounding utterly ridiculous. So, you need to find influencers on Instagram whose content can speak your brand voice.

What Specific Tools Can I Use To Boost My Instagram Influencer Marketing Results?

Influencer Marketing

Instagram, Google, and many other platforms offer a list of tools like:

1. hashtags, 2. keywords, 3. followers, 4. search tools to find Instagram influencers, 5. monitoring tools and 6. optimization tools to maximize the results of the Instagram influencer promotion. You can find out about the first three in a short YouTube video on how to find influencers on Instagram, but the next three need elaboration, which you will find below.

Stage-one Influencer marketing Tools: Influencer Search Solutions

Two types of websites help you find influencers:

Influencer Marketing Platforms

Influencer Marketing Platforms

An Influencer marketing platform to find influencers is a middleman website where you can register your field of activity, and the search feature on the site will come up with a carefully screened-out list of Instagram influencers for you. And that’s all they are, minimum involvement search tools.

Influencer Marketplaces

Marketplace solutions not only help you find influencers, but they also offer maximum involvement services as a legal representative agency that holds your money until the influencer has fulfilled their promotional post terms, you can find one of the most dependable ones at a low-cost influencer marketing agency.

Social Listening Tools

There are solutions online, called social listening tools that are designed to detect what’s being said about every industry, including the influencers influencing who gets big in that industry and who doesn’t.

Stage-Two Influencer Marketing Tools: Influencer-Generated lead Behavior Analysis Solutions

Once you have accomplished finding the right influencer and having them promote you successfully, a lot of traffic will be drawn to your website, and you think your marketing effort has stopped there, but it has not. It’s time for you to start analyzing users’ behavior on your site to see to what extent your influencer marketing effort has been successful. Three types of solutions can make that possible with varying degrees of direct impact.


User Behavior Monitoring Tools

You can/need to use a heatmap tool to gauge how much engagement Instagram-led users are putting into your website right after an Instagram influencer marketing ad, to help you assess and streamline your Instagram influencer marketing campaign. Solutions like Hotjar use heat mapping tools like scroll maps, click maps, mouse-tracking, and eye-tracking heatmaps to determine how long the newly generated traffic stays on your site, where on your site they spend time and attention on, and how many actual paying customers they will make.

Website Optimization Tools

Once you know what parts are popular and successful on your site and what parts are not, it’s time to optimize your website, bring the parts that are holding you back, acting as a liability up to par, and make the parts that are assets even more efficient.

Bottom line

Hiring the services of an Instagram influencer is one of the safest ways to have your brand successfully promoted if you choose your influencer wisely using the help of influencer marketing platforms and marketplaces, and then follow up on how well your influencer marketing has paid off by user behavior analysis and website optimization tools to run you influencer marketing campaign home.

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