Dark mode has rapidly become a favorite feature for many users across apps and websites. With its visually calming, battery-saving, and aesthetically pleasing interface, it is no wonder that platforms like Google News offer users the ability to switch to dark mode. Turning dark mode on or off in Google News is simple, whether you’re using the app on your smartphone or accessing the website from your computer. This guide explains exactly how to enable or disable dark mode, ensuring you can customize your news-reading experience effortlessly.
How to Toggle Dark Mode in the Google News App
The Google News app provides users with a built-in setting to manage dark mode. Follow the steps below to turn dark mode on or off:
Turning ON or OFF Dark Mode:
- Step 1: Open the Google News app on your smartphone or tablet.
- Step 2: Tap on your profile picture or initial in the top-right corner of the screen to access the app’s settings.
- Step 3: From the menu, select “Settings.”
- Step 4: Look for the “General” section and tap on “Dark theme.”
- Step 5: You will see options for enabling or disabling dark mode. The choices include:
- “Always,” which keeps the app in dark mode constantly.
- “Never,” which disables dark mode completely.
- “Follow system setting,” which adapts to the system-wide dark mode setting on your device.
- Step 6: Choose your preferred option and exit the settings menu. The changes will take effect immediately.
By customizing dark mode settings in the app, you can tailor your reading environment to match your personal preferences or your smartphone’s global theme.

Adjusting Dark Mode on the Google News Website
For those who prefer accessing Google News from a web browser, enabling or disabling dark mode is just as straightforward. The Google News website offers an easy toggle for managing the theme. Here’s how:
Turning ON or OFF Dark Mode:
- Step 1: Open your favorite browser and navigate to Google News.
- Step 2: Sign in to your Google account if you aren’t already logged in.
- Step 3: Click on the gear icon in the top-right corner of the page to open the settings menu.
- Step 4: In the settings dropdown, you will see a “Dark theme” option. Click on it.
- Step 5: You will be presented with three options:
- “Always,” to enable dark mode permanently.
- “Never,” to keep the light mode active at all times.
- “Follow device theme,” to synchronize with your operating system’s dark or light mode preference.
- Step 6: Choose the desired setting, and the website’s theme will immediately update to reflect your selection.
These steps allow you to easily adjust the appearance of the site for a more immersive and visually comfortable experience.
Benefits of Using Dark Mode
There are several reasons why you might want to enable or disable dark mode in Google News, depending on your situation:
- Enhanced readability: Dark mode reduces screen glare, making it easier on the eyes, especially in low-light environments.
- Battery efficiency: On devices with OLED or AMOLED screens, dark mode conserves battery life because fewer pixels are illuminated.
- Aesthetic preference: Many users find dark mode more modern and visually appealing compared to light mode.

Despite these advantages, some users may prefer light mode for readability in brighter environments or personal preference, which is why having the ability to toggle between modes is so important.
Troubleshooting Tips if Dark Mode Isn’t Working
If you encounter any issues with enabling or disabling dark mode in Google News, try these troubleshooting tips:
- Ensure you are using the latest version of the Google News app on your device by updating it from the Play Store or App Store.
- Clear your browser cache and reload the Google News website if the dark mode option does not apply correctly.
- Check your device’s system-wide settings, especially if you’re using the “Follow system setting” option.
- Restart the app or your browser to see if the problem resolves itself.

Whether you’re browsing news articles on your mobile app late at night or catching up on headlines on your desktop in the morning, Google News allows you complete control over the dark mode setting. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can toggle between dark and light modes to suit your personal preference or environment. This functionality not only enhances visual comfort but also demonstrates Google’s commitment to providing a flexible and user-friendly news-reading platform.